Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tethering Success!!!

Thank you for the prayers! Tethering was a success today. We took Jonathan and Hans to the mall...on a Saturday! Not my first choice since it was very busy and I was nervous, but it went extremely well. Hans stayed in a 'down' all through our lunch in the food court. He was such a good boy! Then I said to Dave, "let's just try tethering him." We used my iPod to make it an enjoyable time for Jonathan, and he didn't fight it at all! He was very happy to walk around the mall and not have someone hold on to him. I think he really liked the feeling of a little independence. This is really going to change our lives because now we'll be able to go places and I'll be able to concentrate on more than 'where's Jonathan?!' Someone asked me how I liked the mall, and I really couldn't tell you anything about it, othere than it's big and there are several levels. We were there for a couple of hours, but I was so focused on Jonathan and Hans that I don't even know many of the stores that are there. Guess I'll try to pay more attention next time!

Here's a picture of Jonathan listening to his Veggie Tales songs while he's tethered to Hans.

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